Narrative style and production of meaning A study of the story (The Lesson) by Faraj Yassin

Ahlam Amil Hazzaa

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women


Keywords: Narrative space, narrative transformation


The research examines the issue of narrative style in the short story "The Lesson" by the author Faraj Yassin. It posits that the narrative style is the most critical structural element in the story's success, as it defines the narrative identity. This story, with its mature narrative perspective and its focus on cultural and educational aspects, demonstrates how the author, through his distinctive style, creates scenes that capture the reader's attention, provoke thought, and raise a multitude of cultural questions about life. The narrative style used by the author integrates all the artistic and aesthetic potential related to the strong presence of narrative elements in the scenes, contributing to a rich production of narrative meanings. This, in turn, makes the story itself a significant lesson in storytelling, through the nature of the characters, the event, and the effectiveness of the narrative style, resulting in a network of meanings that contribute to the story's artistic and aesthetic success.


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