Linguistic expression levels in zidan jayid zidan poetry

Mawj Shjaa Jamel

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women


Keywords: Levels, Linguistic, Heritage, Terminological, Suggestive


Zidan jayid zidan poetry showcases a sophisticated interplay of linguistic expression across mulipltiple levels reflecting his deep understanding of Arabic poetic traditions andhic ability to blend classical and mdern elements seamlessly his vocabulary is rich and diverse drawing from classical Arabic while occasionally incorporating contemporary terms carefully aligning his word choices with the themes of his poems whether they center on love philosophy religion or national pride his command of syntax is evident in his balanced and harmonious sentence structures with his use of parallelism and repetition enhancing the musicality of his poetry and creating a captivating rhythmic flow
At the semantic level zidan poetry is layered with meaning employing metaphors similes and symbolism to convey profound ideas with emotional resonance this is particularly evident in his religious and philosophical poems which invite readers layers of thought his careful selection of thought his careful selection of sound and rhythms at the phonological level contributes to the emotional tone of his work


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