The real location in Faraj yassin's stories

Noor Abd Al Hammed Suleiman

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women

Leqaa Nuzha Suleiman

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women


Keywords: The place of restoration, realism, production of the place


The storyteller Faraj Yasin plays a crucial role in portraying the (Tikrit place) as a fundamental structure in the narrative text. This utilization of Tikrit reflects the significance of the techniques the storyteller used to achieve the artistry of the text and to infuse a human dimension, which he realized through the technique of memory recall. This technique highlighted both collective and personal pasts, as well as reinforcing cultural and collective identity.
Moreover, the use of Tikrit varied between making it a framework in which events unfold and transforming it from a mere backdrop for events into an independent space with its own characters and settings. This realistic place has become one of the important pillars, dominating the overall and specific atmosphere of the narrative text.


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