The Impact of PORPE Strategy on developing Iraqi EFL Pupils’ Achievement

Alaa Hadi sarhan Ali Al Hamdani

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women

Manal Omer Mousa

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women


Keywords: Effect, PORPE Strategy, achievement, pupils


The present study aims at finding out the Effect of PORPE Strategy on the experimental group achievement, It is hypothesized that , there is no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group achievement in pre and post-test . To achieve the aims and verify the hypotheses above Nonrandomized experimental group pretest and posttest design has been chosen. The pupils have been taught during the academic year 2023-2024. A sample consists of (68) pupils in second stage at Al-meshcat intermediate school distributed into two groups, group (A) represents experimental group that includes (34) pupils are taught according to PORPE Strategy, group (B) represents control group which also include (34) pupils who are taught according to the conventional method. Both groups have been equalized in such variables from Educational level of parent, English grades achievement in previous schooling year, and the pretest of both groups.
According to the results, there is a statistically significant difference in the mean scores of the experimental group who is taught according to PORPE Strategy and the control group who is taught by using the conventional method,
Based on the results and obtained conclusions in this study, suitable recommendations and suggestions for further studies are put forward


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