Contextual fit in similar words in the Medinan surahs

Alya'a Yousif zakir

College of Education for Women. Tikrit University

Muhammad Saeed Hussein Mari

College of Education for Women. Tikrit University


Keywords: the Holy, Qur’an, Proportionality, Contextual, revelation, levels, discourse, Surah, Alsuwer alma Dania, similar


Research into the Holy Qur’an requires finality and high honesty, the words of God Almighty (Falsehood cannot approach it from before it or from behind it; [it is] a revelation from a [Lord Who is] Wise and Praiseworthy) (Fussilat: 42), and the basis in the Holy Qur’an has included all levels of discourse, which means in order the Qur’anic verses within the Surah, the arrangement of the Surah and its ending, and in the choice of letters, words, and combinations, such as introduction, delay, mention, deletion, definition, indefiniteness, and other constructions in the Qur’anic systems. Every word, or even every letter, in the Holy Qur’an came in a context appropriate to it. There is nothing in the Holy Qur’an that is synonymous, but for each word is determined by the context, the occasion, and the position to which it is intended.


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