Birds in Al-Khansa's poetry
Zeina Tariq Farhan
Tikrit University/College of Education for Woman
Muhammad Saeed Hussein
Tikrit University/College of Education for Woman
Keywords: Cyberfeminism, Cyberspace, solidarity, Emails, Rajaa Alsanea’s Girls of Riyadh
This study explores the role of the internet and cyberspace, particularly through the use of emails, as a tool for feminist empowerment within Saudi Arabian society, as depicted in Rajaa Alsanea's novel Girls of Riyadh. The research aims to examine how female characters use virtual spaces to challenge and undermine patriarchal norms and expectations. By utilizing the internet's anonymity and connectivity, these women carve out a platform for self-expression, solidarity, and resistance against the oppressive structures of their society. The study finds that cyberfeminism offers a powerful means for women in conservative environments to voice their thoughts and advocate for change. Furthermore, the internet serves as a catalyst for new forms of feminist discourse and activism. The study concludes that cyberspace not only facilitates the creation of a collective feminist identity but also empowers women to redefine their roles and resist traditional societal constraints.
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