Visual Aids As a Tool to Stimulate Creative Thinking in The Language Teaching Process

Rusul Jassim Mohammed

University of Tikrit / College of Dentistry


Keywords: Visual aids, language teaching


This research focuses on the use of visual aids and its effect on stimulating the creative thinking and how it can be used to achieve the progress in language teaching process  . Visual aids are those devises that can be used to make the learning process more interesting and helpful , the use of visual aids has a big impact on  creativity  , thinking in more an easier way and facilitating teaching in all aspects . Visual aids are  dominant tools that can be used to support instructors in teaching foreign language and also used to motivate students to engage with particular topics of the lecture . The  sample was composed of  sixty students  that  were arbitrarily chosen from first-year morning studies at the College of Dentistry / Tikrit University for the academic year (2023-2024) . Pre and Post-tests have been applied . The data has been composed and statistical results were obtained  . The attained outcomes seem acceptable .


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