The poetry of the hostile place according to Andalusian poets

Ibtihal AbdulKarim Fasil

University Of Tikrit


Keywords: hostile space, prison, exile, psychological connotations, technique of flashback


Humans have long recognized the distinctive role of place and its relationship to their existence. Place has become one of the most influential factors in their lives, playing a fundamental role and leaving its impact. It is one of the key elements toward which humans direct their emotions, whether feelings of familiarity or hostility. These emotions are influenced by the intellectual and psychological state a person experiences. Additionally, the attitude towards a place stems from its value and the emotions and feelings it evokes in the consciousness of poets, who are among the most sensitive to their surrounding environment. The poet's attitude towards place provides a comprehensive view of their feelings and emotions towards that place. The poet uses poetry as a vessel to pour out these feelings and emotions generated by the place, to the extent that the place itself becomes central. The poet's attitudes towards place have varied, and this variation is a result of their perspective on the place and the nature of their relationship with it. This perspective can be positive, manifesting as familiarity with the place, or negative, manifesting as hostility or a sense of alienation towards it. All these attitudes and perspectives clearly define the poet's stance towards place.


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