Textual overlap in ancient Arabic poetry (Tamshi Al-Hawina)

Fatima Damad Shahad

Thee Qaar University

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/Lang.8.9.3

Keywords: textual overlap, intentionality, ancient Arabic poetry, walking slowly


The topic of textual overlap has been mentioned in ancient Arabic poetry, but in a different sense: the overlap of texts Poetics among poets indicates the extent of their influence or attachment to the text or the creator. There are many forms and types of textual overlap in poetry, and the textual overlap shows the fusion of the creator’s personality in the creativity he presents. The intertextuality of the poets with Al-A’sha is evidence of the creativity of this pre-Islamic poet in its influence on the recipient, and evidence of the culture of the poets. Those who intersected with him in the same word, whether the intertextuality was moral or formal, and also evidence of their familiarity with the heritage and their linguistic familiarity. The poet, in his dealings with intertextuality, starts from his subconscious mind, in which multiple ancient and modern texts, apparent or hidden, have gathered, and a new creative text emerges.


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