The paradox in Fadl Khalaf Jabr’s poetry (collection of poems for the Brightness of Gold) is an example

Suhail Saleh Eisa

University of Tikrit – Collage of Arts


Keywords: paradox, meaning, Text, receiver, Contrast, Poetry


The concept of (paradox) refers to the rhetorical style in which the hidden meaning is in clear contradiction with the apparent meaning. Paradox often requires deep contemplation and insight to reach the contradiction and reveal the implications of the conflict between the apparent meaning and the hidden meaning immersed in the depths of the text and its distant spaces.

Irony has an important function in literature in general and poetry in particular. In poetry, it goes beyond hidden gestures and attention-grabbing. Rather, it extends to creating semantic tension in the poem through contrast in things, which may not only come through strange and exciting words in the context, but rather through creating... The brilliant possibilities of employing the vocabulary of ordinary and everyday language within poetic discourse, and this is clearly evident in the poetry of Fadl Khalaf Jabr in the collection For the Shine of Gold, which I chose as a model for the study, as the collection is filled with poetic paradoxes, the exchange of meaning, and its opposition between the folds of one line and one poem, and paradox is the basic theme upon which it relied. The texts of the Diwan have to produce their general significance, and the distinguishing mark that you notice when you read the Diwan, which points you to the areas of beauty in his poetry and his use of irony in pulling the reader and attracting him to the area of ​​interest and not leaving without a result from the poetic verses that he reads, and the areas of beauty in which the poet used irony are many. In the Diwan, I tried to touch its edges and chart the way for those who come after me, trying to explore the depths of the Diwan and delve into its aesthetics.


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