The Psychological Dimension in the Poems Sheikh Nuri Sheikh Salih

Izzu-Din Sabir Mohammad

Kirkuk University

Peston Adi Ali

Kirkuk University


Keywords: -psychological dimension -poetry -Sheikh Nuri


This paper attempts to explore te psychogical dimension in
the poems of Sheikh Nuri Sheikh Salleh. The paper consists of an
introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. The first part deals with
concepts and terms of psychology. The second part deals with the
relationship of poetry to psychology. The third part deals with history of
the psychological dimension. The fourth and final part talks about
Freud’s analytical theory.The second chapter deals with the foundations
of psychological analysis in the notice of ( Sheikh Nuri Sheikh Salleh)
in theory and practice based on several psychological concepts like
(Optimism, Pessimism , Alienation , Depression , Fear , Narcissism and
death). In conclusion, the main findings of the research were presented