Semantic Deviation in W. Wordsworth's Selected Poems
Dhuha Ahmed Hamadi
Ministry of Education /General Directorate of Education in Anbar Open Educational Collage/ Fallujah Centre
Keywords: foregrounding, linguistic deviation, semantic deviation
The study investigates and analyzes W. Wordsworth's four selected poems on the basis of G. Leech's taxonomy of semantic deviation (1969). The significance of the analysis is to disclose to what extent the poet uses such deviation in his literary texts and how semantic deviation serves the meaning of the poems. The analysis samples are 'The Daffodils', 'My Heart Leaps Up', 'The Solitary Reaper' and 'Composed upon Westminster Bridge', respectively. Leech's classification of semantic deviation (1969), as the model of the study, is utilized to analyze them. The procedures of the study ,that are utilized to conduct the current study analysis, starts with reading and investigating the semantic deviation in these selected poems. Then, the step of analysis is conducted in the light of the study model, Leech's classification of semantic deviation (1969). Finally, the findings of the data analysis are discussed and it is followed by the study conclusion. The results have revealed that semantic deviation is highly utilized in these selected poems so as to serve and diversify their meanings and to be more attractive on the part of the readers. Transference of meaning, a type of semantic deviation, is the most dominant type that is used in these poems in comparison with the others.
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