Keeping secrets in the Abbasid era until the year 334 AH
Hiba Hussein Mohammed
Tikrit University / College of Education for Women
Najla Abdul Hussein Aliwi
Tikrit University / College of Education for Women
Keywords: Secrecy, Secrets, Abbasid era
This research, which we have titled "Keeping Secrets in the Abbasid Era until the Year 334 AH," addresses the concept of keeping secrets among the poets of the Abbasid period, as well as its important role for the individual who may conceal a secret and prevent it from reaching the ears of others out of fear of its disclosure and spread. When a secret is revealed in society, it can lead to undesirable consequences. Sometimes, a person may feel overwhelmed and need someone to rely on to relieve their suppressed burdens.
A secret is the opposite of announcement; it is what a person keeps or hides, a precious matter concealed within the self. The nature of a secret depends on confidentiality and the ability to preserve it, and the individual who carries another's secret must possess a high degree of trustworthiness and integrity.
القرآن الكريم
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