The art of wills in Arabic literature Amer bin Al-Darb Al-Adwani is a model of the art of commandments in Arabic literature Amer bin Al-Darb Al-Adwani is a model
Amany Kanan Kudair
Tikrit University
Keywords: will, literature, Amer bin Al-Darb, Al-Adwani, advice
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon His servant, His Messenger, His friend, and His trustworthy one, our Prophet and Master Muhammad and his family and all his companions, as for what follows Ancient Arabic literature, with its poetry and prose, received many studies that wrote down many of its literary phenomena and revealed many of its literary figures who had a prominent role in the process of literature in that era. From here was born the desire to participate and contribute to presenting literary research on the literature of that era. ; Being the foundation upon which the literature of later eras was based, and since prose represented one of the two parts of literature in the pre-Islamic era, the study dealt with the personality of Amer bin Al-Darb, who was one of the writers of that era and who was known to be one of the people of wisdom and opinion, and he had literary productions in prose and poetry. We have discussed one of its prose aspects, which is the wills in Arabic literature by Amer ibn al-Darb, as a model. In the study, we have explained the wills linguistically, terminologically, and its place in the arts of prose according to the literary eras from the pre-Islamic era to the Abbasid era, and we have shown the most important artistic characteristics of this art. In addition, we have discussed in it a definition. About the personality of Amer bin Al-Tarab and an example of one of his commandments regarding his people, the people of Adwan, and we summed up a conclusion and some of the sources and references that we relied on in the research.
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