The Role of Extracurricular Activities on Kurdish EFL University Students’ writing skill performance

Emad Mahmud Radha

Ministry of Education Shorsh Preparatory School

Wrya Izzadin Ali

English Department, Salahaddin University


Keywords: Extracurricular activities, EFL English as a Foreign Language, Kurdish EFL university Students, Writing skill, written performance


Participation in English language-oriented extracurricular activities outside the classroom results in the development and progress in EFL students’ language skills development the writing skill and written performances in particular. The current study investigates the roles and effects of extracurricular activities in enhancing the writing skill and written performances of Kurdish EFL university students. The design of this research is experimental as the study has been conducted at Charmo University which is one of the public Universities in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The participants are 50 Kurdish EFL university students who studied fourth semester in English language department during 2022 and 2023 academic years. They are randomly divided into two groups a control group with 25 students and an experimental group with 25 students as well. The data collection instruments were writing tests included a writing pretest and a writing posttest. A writing pretest was administrated to both of the groups at the beginning of the semester at the same date and time before starting intervention treatment which the treatment here means engaging in the activities by the experimental group of students. After the pretest directly the intervention started as the intervention duration lasted for ten weeks. Then after ten weeks of intervention a writing posttest was administrated to both of groups at the same date and time. The Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS 26) was used to perform all data analysis of the numerical results of the writing tests. The results of the statistical analysis of ANCOVA for the scores of both of the writing tests revealed significant different result between both of groups. The results disclosed students of the experimental group has achieved significant progress in their writing skill in terms of the written performance in comparison to the control group results due to the effect of the intervention which is here meant participation and  engaging  various English language-oriented extracurricular activities outside the classroom by the students of the experimental group .   


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