He wonders of conflict and its strangeness in children's plays

Zainab A. Ayuop

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women

Ahlam Amil Hazzaa

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/Lang.8.3.1

Keywords: miraculous, exotic, plot, conflict


   The research is summed up in its title, which is "the miraculous and exotic in children's plays." It is one of the efforts and presentation of the researcher: Zainab Adnan Ayoub, and under the supervision of Professor: Ahlam Amel Hazaa.

   It is a research submitted for publication, and its aim is to obtain a master's degree at the University of Tikrit, College of Education for Women, Department of Arabic Language, Division of Literature. The research focused mainly on the issue of the exotic and the miraculous in the plays, and the research also dealt with the most important concepts related to the research terms. Then the research consisted of two sections. In the first section, the topic of the miraculous plot and its strangeness in children's plays, Abdullah Jadaan, was a model. The second topic was concerned with the issue of the miraculous conflict and its strangeness in children's plays. Finally, the conclusion came to include the most important results and recommendations.

   Finally, I say that I worked hard, and if I was right, it is from God, and if I made a mistake or fell short, it is from Satan and myself, and I seek refuge in God from them.


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