Translating Peace Idiomatic Expressions from English into Arabic: A Context-based Approach

May Mokarram Abdul Aziz

Department of English Language, College of Basic Education, University of Mosul


Keywords: Appropriateness, contextualized peace idioms, decontextualized peace idioms, degrees of explicitness of the idiom, types of idiom


The present study examines the translation of peace idiomatic expressions in various fields focusing on the effect of context in understanding the meaning of these idioms within context usage. The problem with this study is that comprehensive research is scarce on the influence of context on translating peace idioms and specific expressions used in certain situations. Studying peace idiomatic expressions is critical for releasing how these idioms convey meaning. The study investigates whether the translators attach the real meaning of these idioms with or without context, also, examines the impact of the context in translating the peace idioms. The study aims to deal with peace idioms and find out the translator’s success in achieving the appropriateness of these idioms. The study hypothesizes the difficulties in analyzing and translating such expressions used out or within the context. In evaluating the fitting of renditions, an eclectic model developed by the researcher will be employed in discussing the chosen texts depending implicitly on Halliday and Hasans’ one of the ranks related to the context (1989)which is context of culture, also one of Du beaugrand and Dressler’s regulative principles(1981), specifically appropriateness, as well as  Fernando’s classification of idioms(1996) to clarify the sense of the chosen peace idioms. The study has concluded that there are some differences in translations depending on the different comprehension of the translators about the spirit and meaning of the texts and the context of each language. According to the results of investigating the influence of context, the study recommends that  the translators should extend their conceive of how the context can affects in presenting the intended sense  of the source text        


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