The Selections of Ibn Ashor Al-Andalusi (1040 A. H) in the Quranic Drawing – A study to his book "Fatih Al-Manan Al-Morori Bi Mawrid Al-Daman"

Hashem Mohammed Tiyawi

Tikrit University /College of Arts


Keywords: Selections, Ibn Ashir, Fath Al-Mannan


This research is entitled: (The Selections of Ibn Ashor Al-Andalusi (1040 A. H) in the Quranic Drawing – A study to his book "Fatih Al-Manan Al-Morori Bi Mawrid Al-Daman), in which I discussed the introduction of this imam and his book, the sheikhs, and his students, and then I commented on the statement of his selections in the Qur’anic drawing through his book.

  The most important results that I reached in this research are that most of his choices in drawing came on deletion and confirmation, as it is the broadest section in Qur’anic drawing.

  His selections in drawing were based on foundations that he took care of in choosing, such as relying on counterparts, following the report of the imams of the predecessors, multiple aspects of reading, and others.


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