Romanticism of dream, death and birth In stories of absent things

Mustafa M. Mustafa

Department of Arabic Language, College of Education for Girls, Tikrit University

Noor A. Suleiman

Department of Arabic Language, College of Education for Girls, Tikrit University


Keywords: Romanticism, dreaming, death, birth, presence


This is an analytical research that works on fictional material by the storyteller Ghaleb Al-Muttalabi. He uses the romantic doctrine as his method of study, consideration, and conclusion. The research dealt with the most important topics that appeared in the stories of “Absent Things,” which are death, birth, and dreaming. The research explains how the storyteller employed these topics in an artistic way that blended It contains reality with imagination, presence with absence, and birth with death, with an attempt to find a logical explanation for the reason for employing themes in this way, and to clarify the artistic method drawn by the storyteller to reach the goal and purpose. During the research, an appropriate number of texts were cited to support the point of view, and in conclusion it falls within The romantic direction that closely matches the narrative material.


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