The Beloved in the Vision of the Artist and the Poet Nali and Picaso as Examples

Arkhawan Mohammed Obeid

Kirkuk University-College of Education for Humanities


Keywords: poem, art, beauties, Nali, Picasso, Fitz


The beloved in the vision of the Artist and Poet( Nali and Picasso as example) a critical analytical research of fine art and poem. This research uses Nail’s pome which he wrote for his beloved Habibia and two of Picasso’s pictures which he painted for his beloved ones. The research is divided into two main titles. The first one is the beauty of woman as motivation of art in which discussed in some philosophical questions. In the second one depending on the psychobiology ( Fitz ) some of the receiver’s questions has been answered along with analyzing how to unlock digital and analog codes for both arts. the most important opinions about ( beauty of art and the role of passion in the testing art, how the Kurdish receiver takes in art, how to unlock the codes and the activities of the receiver brain) are presented in some points as a result of our research.