A Critical Discourse Analysis of Israeli Political Speeches before Normalization with Arab Countries

Hasan Shaban Ali Al-Thalab

Department of English, College of Education, Tikrit University

Ala'a Hussein Gadban

General Directorate of Education in Kirkukn

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/jls.5.1.3

Keywords: Critical discourse analysis, Normalization, Political Speeches, Textual Analysis, Discursive Practice, Social Practice and Zionism


The current study is a Critical Discourse Analysis of Israeli Political Speeches before Normalization with Arab Countries that shows the mutual effort between Israel and Arabs countries to achieve normalization. The most important aims of the current study are; i) Investigating whether normalization and peace process are presented positively or negatively in the Israeli Political Speeches before normalization. ii) Identifying the textual analysis of speeches that are used by the three Israeli politicians before normalization period. iii) Showing the discursive practices which are used in the Israeli Political Speeches before normalization. The aims are only outcomes to the following problems; what is the most influential political speech type is used? What is the textual analysis used in the Israeli Officials' Political Speeches before normalization? What are the discursive practices used by Israeli Politicians before normalization? Fulfilling the above aims, the study hypothesizes that Israeli politicians employ the language to serve their purposes through using different strategies. Finally, Language is utilized to show Israel's hegemony and victory through Israeli politicians' speeches. The data have been selected from Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. The Israeli Political Speeches are analyzed ideologically and linguistically according to Fairclough's three-dimensional approach (1989, 1995, and 2010). To sum, the selected Israeli Political Speeches before normalization have explicit negative ideologies more than the ones after normalization.