Implication as a Means of Communicating Themes Elaborately in G. B. Shaw’s Pygmalion

Batool Taleb Khalaf Al- Jubory

English Department College of Education For Women-Tikrit University

Taha Khalaf Salim Al-Jubory

English Department College of Education For Women-Tikrit University


Keywords: Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion, Formalist theory, themes


George Bernard Shaw is one of the greatest prolific author of the modern age who is able to produce brand-new drama in shape along with content. He does not hesitate rank to operate far from Aristotle’s rule promoting characters to occupy the highest rank of importance rather than plot for the reason that they are characters who donate life to the sequence of the events of which any play is composed. Shaw’s great cleverness is represented by his brilliant ability to create characters that have the power to discuss notions from different points of views. This study will deal with Shaw’s play Pygmalion, in 1913. It is a romantic and satirical comedy of social criticism. The objective of this study is not to carry out a pragmatic study of Shaw’s selected play depending on Herbert Paul Grice’s theory of implicature which represents an endeavor to grant this term a more linguistic standing. The paper aims at proving that Shaw uses implication as a device to narrate his ideas in long conversations. This paper uses Formalist method as a tool to analyze the selected play. This paper ends with a conclusion that out the results of the discussion..