Nickname in Rania territory

Tavga Omer Hamasalih

Raparin University


Keywords: Kurds, phenomenon, Rania, titles


Nickname does exist in all natoons of the world, it has a big role in life of people and all individuals. This phenomenon has reflcted in the Kurdish nation. In some places this phenomenon is cleasrly felt. It is very common among people. This study is entitled (nickname in Rania territory). Nickname has a big role in the life of people and in language. Humans sometims except for their real names: Our research approach is a descriptive analysis. The tool of the investigation is the middle Kurdish language. We took examples of daily stories and speeches. The last part has taken examples of the daily life of the people of Rania territory and has been analysed. In the first part, is about the definition of the name and its analysis. Analysing the relationship between the name and the named with the definition of nichname, name, nickname and reasons for settin the nickname. The second part is about the types of naming in terms of psychology, public, private and the benefits and the importance of nickname, The effect of naming and nickname with the nicknames of Rania territory. Finally, the results,the list of resources, and the summary of the study were shown in Arabic and English languages.