Consistency by deletion in Al-Zahrawaen - Al-Baqarah and Al Imran-

Shahla'a Fattah Ahmed

charmo University / College of Education and Department of Languages

Adnan Amin Muhammad

charmo University / College of Education and Languages


Keywords: Consistency, omission, Surat Al-Baqarah, Surat Al Imran


The Noble Qur’an was revealed in Arabic, and it has attracted the attention of scholars and researchers; So they searched its sciences and secrets, and sects and grammatical schools were appeared, and the goal was to serve the language of the Holy Book. This interest has maintained its continuity and permanence to this day. This study aims to follow this academic holly jorney to serve this holly language through studying ( consistency by omission - in the light of studying combining text based on defining this phenomenon -consistency by omission. Then the types of this omission were mentioned based on the application of it by omiting the noun, omitting the verb and the sentence, with evidence from the two honorable Al-Zahraween.