Alienation and Estrangement in Gibran Khalil Gibran’s Poems

Ari Ali Hasan

University of Charmo - College of Education and Languages - Department of Arabic Languages - Literature

Azad Abdul Rashid

University of Charmo - College of Education and Languages - Department of Arabic Languages - Literature


Keywords: alienation, estrangement, Gibran Khalil Gibran, poetry, reasons, expatration, pain, anxiety and motivation, self-balance, factors


In this Research we have tried to shed light on the topic of alienation and estrangement in Gibran Khalil Gibran’s poetry, which is of a Lebanese origin (1883 – 1931), and is considered to be one of the prominent poets of Northern Diaspora School. This poet who shook the theme of loss and its repercussions depicted by estrangement and alienation as the cornerstone of his life like a storm that came devastatingly because of the death of his mother and brothers early in his life, living at the time and circumstances when he was a an alienated worker in the United States of America, the bitterness of inner pain which devoured him, agonizing anxiety, self-destruction, impaired and distorted thinking, disturbance of the psychological mood, the conditions of the Lebanese occupation by the Turks, and the consequences of the conflicts that brought calamities to the Arabian countries. The phenomenon of alienation and estrangement has been linked, in our Arabic literature, to the class and bureaucratic tyranny, the absence of freedom, subversive traditions and loss of trust in many systems and principles. In the light of all these difficult circumstances and Gibran’s firm faith and certainty that he came to this life bearing a message, he wanted to disarrange the poetical rhymes and rhythms of life and turn them to prose and rearrange the prose of life into poetical rhymes and rhythms. The result was sighing estrangement, inhibited in his subconscious, to the linguistic surface in his poetic speech and language with the finest forms and creative and aesthetic expressions.