The Conversational implication of the orderly construction methods in Surat Al-Ahzab

Dildar Ali Othman

Salahaddin University- College of Languages

Fakhriya Ghareeb Qadir

Salahaddin University- College of Languages


Keywords: Conversational, Implication, Orderly, Construction, Methods, Surat Al- Ahzab


In sum, in this work and this study, which is tagged with (The Discourse Implication of the Deliberative Structural Methods in Surat Al-Ahzab), it seeks to monitor the contextually required implications of the required constructional methods in Surat Al-Ahzab, using the data provided by the deliberative, as it relied on one of its theories, which is the Conversational Implication Theory With its dimensions and data. And that according to a drawn plan, using a set of sources and references.