The Role of Teachers' Motivation in Developing EFL Students' Speaking Skill at University of Salahaddin

Shanga Ahmed Salar Qurbani

Department of English – College of Basic Education – Salahaddin University

Nawzar Mohammed Haji

Department of English-Faculty of Education- Soran University


Keywords: Motivated teachers, Motivation, Speaking skill, Students' confidence


This study aims to investigate the role of motivated EFL teachers on developing students' speaking skill and boosting their confidence to speak in English at two colleges of Salahaddin University (Viz. College of Basic Education and College of Languages). To do so, a quantitative approach is adopted in the study. To find out the effect of teacher motivation on improving students' speaking skill, a survey questionnaire is distributed to 87 students. The results show that motivated teachers improve students' speaking skill since they give feedback on correct pronunciation of words, correct use of grammatical tenses and the use of appropriate vocabularies. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate that motivated teachers boost students' confidence to speak in English in class since they use praising words to encourage students to speak in English, build a good rapport with them, use innovative methods of teaching, and make sure nobody laughs when students make mistakes. The findings will improve all the EFL teachers who would like to know how important teacher motivation is in improving students' speaking skill and building their confidence.