The image of women in the poetry of Jamil Sidqi al-Zahawi

Srood Kannan Shakir

Salahaldeen University


Keywords: woman, girlfriend, wife, daughter, mother, image, emotion, persecution, imagination


Woman was the core of poet`s attention throughout ages till this moment. They used to describe her as source of inspiration and ingenuity for their poetry. Woman was the main inspiration for writers as well as poets who played a real role within the psyche of human beings. Woman was presented within the poetry or works of Al Zahawi indifferent images. She, for example, took the image of good mother, daughter and wife. As mother, she incarnated the source of protection, emotion and education. As lover, she had a great role with the works of the poets in the sense that, the poet described her physical beauty. She also played the role of oppressed woman either by her father, husband or the society and its tradition that was opposed on her. Thus, the poet calls to elevate her status and role mainly within the Iraqi society and generally with the entire world because she is the second half or part of the society. The research dealt with the concept of woman and her role within the view of Al Zahawi.