Criticism of colloquial speech in Al-Ubab Alzakhir by Al-Saghani

Samira Hamad Fayyad

University Of Anbar /College of Education for Human Sciences, Department of Arabic Language

Ali Matar Jeru

University Of Anbar / College of Education for Human Sciences, Department of Arabic Language


Keywords: Criticism, Colloquial, Speech, Al-Ubab, Al-Saghani, CRAAP


The aim of the research is to reveal and study a linguistic phenomenon that characterizes the Arabic language, which is colloquial speech, and it is known that colloquial speech has an effective role in the development and development of the language. In support of him when he found his roots in Arabic, he showed his rejection of him for lowering his level of eloquence, and from whom Al-Saghani cared about him in his lexicon Al-Abab Al-Zakher, which included a number of colloquial speech notes that required me to collect and count them, and study them in a careful critical study that revealed the depth of Al-Saghani’s influence on the words of the common people because of his A significant impact on the development and development of language .