Historicl and mythical Contradiction in the Poetry of Jassim Moammed Jassim

Khadeeja Adree Mohammed

University of Tikrit – College of Arts

Rushdi Talal Latif

Ministry of Education – Directorate General of Education in Saladin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/jls.

Keywords: intertextuality, history, myth, quotation, retrieval


The paper entitled (Historical and Legendary Intertextuality in Jassim Muhammad Jassim’s Poetry) sheds light on a critical phenomenon that breaks into poetry with a high intention in which the poet finds an objective necessity according to an artistic and aesthetic vision. The vision supports his poetic experience with evidence selected from the inheritance until it became evidence that mimics the present within the suggestions and interpretations taking place in the circle of textual overlap. The research came in two directions, one historical and the other legendary, but there is a similarity between them, as they are related to the temporal factor. As for the second trend, it focused on poetic texts with legendary connotations, which summoned later texts that carry with them mythical tales and stories whose connotations vary between the reasonable and the unreasonable. He demonstrated the consolidation of the relationship between literature on the one hand, and history and myth on the other hand, through poetic art, which saw on the other side a precious wealth full of a huge amount of hidden things, so he developed this relationship and exploited it according to criteria based on taking from these sciences after looking to the past Presenting it in the form of a poetic experience governed by the familiar textual mechanisms that saw in history and legend tributaries that participated in building a creative experience in a modern poetic language based on intertextuality