The Structure of the Actantial Model in the Novel Ronak: Blood and Tears by Mohammed Abdul Latif Al-Suwaijt

Hussein Majid Husssein

Salaheddin University- Erbil/ College of Languages


Keywords: Actantial model, relationships, Greimas, desire, communication, conflict


This study, titled The Structure of the Actantial Model in the Novel Ronak: Blood and Tears by Mohammed Abdul Latif Al-Suwaijt, seeks to examine the influence of the actantial model theory, developed by French critic and semiotician A. J. Greimas, on the fundamental structure of the studied novel. The analysis focuses on the construction of events, the distribution of roles and functions among actants, and the transformations undergone by the active subject from the beginning to the end of the novel. This approach considers the actantial model as a critical theory aimed at mapping the trajectory of events and identifying the initial points of transformation within novelistic texts, based on the structural relationships among narrative actants.


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