The effect of the self-scheduling strategy (K.W.I.H) in developing contemplative thinking among fifth grade literary students in the subject of literature and texts

Rana Ibrahim Khaled Al-Ezzi

Directorate of Education Kirkuk The General Arabic Language/Methods of Teaching Arabic Language


Keywords: strategy, development, thinking, teaching, intelligence


Our goal in research is identify effect of the self-scheduling strategy (K.W.I.H.) in developing reflective thinking among fifth grade literary students in the subject of literature and texts. He was appointed by the students of the fifth literary grade in (Al-Sayyab Preparatory School for Boys), in the city of Kirkuk, in the second semester of the year (2023-2024). With a number of (60) students. In an experimental group (30) students from Class A, studying using the self-scheduling strategy (K.W.I.H), and a control group (30) students from Class B, studying using the usual method. The researcher relied on the experimental method, and conducted equivalence between the research sample, and built a test to measure the level of contemplative thinking for fifth-grade literary students in the subject of literature and texts. The tool consisted of test items totaling (40) items, which were presented to specialists. In the educational and psychological, the Arabic language teaching methods, and preparing teaching plans tools, experiment is implemented on second semester year (2023-2024) from Tuesday (20/2/2024). Until Sunday (21/4/2024),then the post-test was administered on Thursday (25/4/2024). The data were treated statistically with a t-test for two independent samples. The result indicated that the experimental group studying using the self-scheduling strategy (K.W.I.H) was superior to the control group in the growth of reflective thinking, and it was proven that there was a difference between the pre- and post-applications in the variable of reflective thinking, in favor of the post-test.


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